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Environmental Services

Environmental Services


Prairie Mud Service strongly believes that drilling wastes must be managed to protect the environment from adverse impacts and allow the disposal site utilized to return to equivalent land capability. It is the intent of Prairie Mud to ensure environmentally safe and responsible management of drilling wastes. At all times, Prairie Mud works diligently with the Saskatchewan Ministry of the Economy, the Manitoba Petroleum Branch and Alberta Energy Regulator to maintain the highest possible environmental standards.


Prairie Mud’s quality assurance/quality control program through accredited laboratories ensures that our commitment to due diligence is not only met but exceeded. Here within we briefly outline Prairie Mud’s comprehensive methods.



Prairie Mud Service Environmental Division is a full service, drilling waste management, and oilfield services company recognized for its technical expertise, commitment to environmental safety, and dedication to the protection of its clients’ long-term liability. With comprehensive experience and skilled environmental personnel, we provide high quality service to offer efficient, cost-effective, and environmentally sound solutions to drilling waste management.


Since 1999, our unwavering dedication to providing cost effective, safe and environmentally sound solutions has enabled us to expand our services to better support our client’s drilling waste management needs. Where prudent, Prairie Mud Service added services, such as an in-house laboratory, and staff to meet the demands of its customer base, without sacrificing the principles it was founded on: high quality, cost effective service and protection of the customer’s long-term liabilities. Over the following years, Prairie Mud Service’s Environmental Division has grown into one of the region’s leading drilling waste management firms, which to present has served over 250 individual companies.


The Environmental Division’s team of experienced personnel has performed more than 9500 individual off-lease landspraying, on-site disposal, pre-disturbance assessment, and waste removal projects throughout Saskatchewan, Alberta, and Manitoba. As a result of this experience, we have gained a unique knowledge and understanding of the diverse requirements and needs of our broad customer base.


Prairie Mud Service understands its client’s concerns and provides services that are a level above and beyond expectations. Drilling waste management and remediation are serious matters. Customers want the drilling waste management firm they choose to dispose of their waste correctly, safely, legally, and on time. We believe that this is good business and do not take this task lightly. It is the focus of the company’s goal for continuous improvement.

Environmental Services


Pre-Disturbance Assessments (PDA)

  • Lease and/or access road sample set and analysis

  • Detailed sampling, soil description

  • Vegetation Summary


Off-Lease Disposal Methods

  • Landspraying While Drilling (LWD)

  • Landspraying Disposal after Completion of Drilling

  • Drill Solids Landspreading with Solid Spreader


On-Lease Disposal

  • On-Lease Landspreading

  • Residual Solids Disposal (also known as mix-bury-cover)

Acknowledgment of Reclamation (AOR)

  • Environmental Site Assessment

  • Detailed Site Assessment


Earthen Sump/Pit Sampling and Analysis

  • Environmental Programming

  • Co-ordination of Drilling Waste Streams to an Approved Waste Processing Facility (WPF)


Environmental Review


Lifetime Loading Limit Calculations


Lease Expansion Area Determination


Landowner Negotiations

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